Health and Safety Courses

Health Safety Courses

Can We Help With Your Health and Safety Courses?

Health and safety in the workplace is everyone's concern.

Our Health and Safety Courses are suitable for managers and employees who wish to improve their knowledge of workplace health and safety.

There are specific legal requirements on both employers and employees in Ireland under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and associated legislation.

Why are Health and Safety Courses Important?

Health and Safety Courses are important for a number of reasons including legal grounds, economic rounds and of course, moral grounds.

It is also important to highlight whilst Health and Safety courses have their purpose and can assist towards improved workplace safety, culture etc, The principles of risk management focus on both elimination and reduction of risks first before training or the use of Personal protective equipment. This is logical as it makes no sense to have training in place when unacceptable risks in the workplace have not been adequately controlled either by way of elimination or suitable reduction. After the introduction of appropriate risk control measures which safeguard employees, it is then appropriate to consider and implement a suitable health and safety training course regime.

Included within our Health and Safety Course

This Health and Safety course offers participants an appreciation of the benefits of addressing

 Health and Safety issues; an understanding of both management and employees' responsibilities and tackles the issues surrounding the introduction to safety statements - a legal requirement- into the workplace as well as the consequences of non-compliance, the duties and responsibilities of safety representatives and the process and legal requirements of accident reporting.

Specific Health and Safety Courses

We also can assist with more broader Health and Safety Awareness Courses, such as VDU / DSE Assessor Training, Manual Handling Training, First Aid Training, Chemical Training, Working at Height Training etc., amongst others.

We provide Health and Safety Courses for small, medium and large businesses and organisations across Ireland.

We offer our tailored Health and Safety Course services using only specialists in the area of Health and Safety thereby ensuring the highest levels of professionalism and affordability.

All successful participants will receive an appropriate Health and Safety Course Certificate

Discuss your Health and Safety Course Requirements

We would welcome the opportunity to submit a proposal covering Health and Safety Courses for your organisation.

Please contact us today to discuss your Health and Safety Course requirements

Health and Safety Courses